Video Project: What Would Becca Do?

If I had more time, I would work on the voice over more.  While doing it, I realized how much a task like this requires you to focus on every syllable.  You have to focus on your inflection, tone, and pacing.  You have to speak slower than in a normal conversation, but its also a challenge to avoid sounding too robotic and monotone.  I was also getting fatigued from repeating portions of my voice over again and again.  Also, I didn’t have a microphone so I had to lean in towards my internal microphone and that was uncomfortable at times. (Poor me, I had to lean into my computer for my podcast).

Also, I think I would use more video as opposed to still images, and end it in a similar way that Becca finished hers, with me talking to the camera.  I thought it had a powerful effect to see the speaker at the end of the video.

4 thoughts on “Video Project: What Would Becca Do?

  1. Chris, remind me to show you my last “writing process” video at some point, robot voice and all. I’m glad you liked the way I ended with myself looking at the camera–I am no actress, and felt totally uncomfortable doing it. I kind of wish I hadn’t “scripted” what I wanted to say ahead of time so that I looked more natural doing it. (Don’t get me wrong, the script was necessary for the rest of the video.) I probably taped myself doing it 8 times. I thought your video was awesome, and appreciated how you considered multiple (and difficult to talk about) facets of your identity like race, gender, and class. Plus, the basketball shots make you look big time.

  2. I think your video was very well done. Your analysis of where things could be done differently was excellent. There’s no question that all of us can do better the second time around, but there is an authenticity in the first version of most videos that is often lost in more polished versions.

    I really enjoyed it, Chris!

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